Jun 21, 2023

How To Develop Your Artistic Voice As A Photographer - Video

Find your artistic voice in photography for impactful and distinctive work that resonates.

Hunter Scott
Hunter Scott
How To Develop Your Artistic Voice As A Photographer - Video

Do you ever feel like your photography lacks purpose or fails to stand out in the sea of Instagram? If so, developing your artistic voice could be the answer. Your artistic voice is your unique perspective as a photographer, encompassing your philosophy, emotions, and the message behind your work. In this blog post, I will share my journey of discovering my own artistic voice and provide tips on how to create a dialogue with your viewers that will make your images truly impactful.

What Is Artistic Voice?

Your artistic voice goes beyond mere aesthetic and style. While color, framing, and composition contribute to your unique style, your voice is what sets you apart and gives your work depth and meaning. It is the message cake beneath the style icing. Your voice is your personal perspective on the world, making your body of work memorable and distinct. Unlike style, which can change over time, your voice remains uniquely yours.

Example of Street Photography inspired artistic and creative voice
Part of my style is hands and pointing - even on commercial jobs!

What Are Some Ways To Grow Your Artistic Voice?

Always Carry a Camera: To cultivate your artistic voice, make it a habit to carry a camera with you everywhere you go. This enables you to capture anything that catches your eye and resonates with your perspective. Embrace the opportunities to document your surroundings and experiences.

Be Patient and Explore: Developing your voice takes time. Allow your work to marinate over the years. Regularly review your archive, looking for common themes and threads that emerge. As you begin to identify recurring elements, lean into them and explore further. Honesty is crucial; acknowledge any aspects of your work that reveal sides of you that you may not initially like. Seek mentorship - it is crucial.

Give It Time: Finding your artistic voice is a journey of self-discovery. It takes time to understand what you truly want to communicate through your art and what values you hold dear. Be patient with yourself and your artistic growth. It may take years to fully grasp your unique contribution.

Example of Street Photography inspired artistic and creative voice
Here's a Self-Portrait in a style I don't usually shoot

What Am I Supposed To Do With My Artistic Voice Now?

Developing your artistic voice allows you to infuse your photography with a distinct perspective and message. It requires patience, experimentation, and honesty. By embracing your voice, your work becomes a reflection of who you are as an individual. As you communicate your thoughts and emotions through art, you simultaneously uncover your personal values.

Example of Street Photography inspired artistic and creative voice
Chaos is my favourite element to work with in my photos
Discovering your artistic voice is a transformative process that elevates your photography from mere visuals to meaningful expressions. Through carrying a camera everywhere, embracing patience and exploration, and being honest with yourself, you can uncover your unique perspective. Your artistic voice sets you apart, giving your work depth and significance. So, venture out, continue capturing moments, and allow your voice to shine through. Remember, developing your artistic voice is an ongoing journey of self-discovery. Share your own experiences and insights in the comments below. Stay inspired, stay hydrated, and keep creating art.