Apr 10, 2024

The Best Small RGB Video Lights in 2024

Yes, we actually do have a specific answer.

Hunter Scott
Hunter Scott
The Best Small RGB Video Lights in 2024

If you’re a photographer or a videographer, a gaffer or a cinematographer, you probably already know how critical lighting is. Photography literally means “drawing with light”. As LED technology gets more betterer and betterer, the lights get smaller, lighter, brighter, and more badass. If you haven’t experienced the childlike glee of putting a tiny light on a stand and having your scene lit in under 2 minutes, you’re missing out. But! What do you need to look for when adding a tiny light to your arsenal, and what should you avoid? 

Don’t worry, I’ll explain.

Why Choose Small RGB Video Lights?

Before we dive into specifics, let's discuss why small RGB video lights have gone bonkers among content creators and professionals alike:

  1. Versatility: Small RGB video lights offer versatile lighting options, allowing you to create a wide range of colors and effects to suit various shooting scenarios. Use them as key lights, kickers, colour wash, or as practicals. Or sometimes, a bedside table lamp. (please tell me I’m not the only one.)


  1.  Portability: Compact and lightweight, these lights are perfect for on-the-go productions, whether you're shooting indoors or outdoors. You can stick em anywhere, including where the sun don’t shine (but the light does)


  1. Creative Control: Say goodbye to replacing melted gels. These things are RGB, have special effects modes, and here’s the best part: they have apps for lights now. Control everything from your phone or iPad, and dial everything in perfectly.

What to Consider Before Buying a Compact RGB Video Light

Before pulling your wallet out, it's a good idea to think about a few key tidbits to make sure you find the best small RGB video light for your use case:

1. Brightness and Color Accuracy: Look for lights that offer high brightness levels and accurate color reproduction to achieve professional-looking results.

2. Portability and Durability: Opt for lights that are compact, lightweight, and durable, making them ideal for travel and survive the challenges of on-location shoots, and gaffers who hit forearms every gym day.

3. Battery Life and Power Options: Think about the battery life of the lights and whether they let you charge as you go, or support v-mount solutions.

4. Control Options: Check out the control options available - most of the time you can expect decent onboard controls, as well as a pretty good app. If you need DMX, you already know what to look for.

What Compact RGB Video Light Should You Buy?

Right, let me cut to the chase. It’s the Zhiyun Molus X60 RGB. Here’s why. 

These things are teeny tiny. Not only are they pocket size, they’re 60W! That’s right, six-zero. For a light this size, that’s mental. Not only are they bright, the RGB is super saturated, and they have great accuracy. The Zhiyun app is quick and easy to use, and these lights have plenty of tricks up their sleeve, from a flashing tv mode, to a reactive music mode. 

On a more practical level - these things are super versatile. You can mount them via the ¼ 20 on the bottom, or use the bowens adapter to whack it on a light stand or a c stand. The battery life is superb, and you can charge them up as you go with USB-C PD passthrough. Nice. 

There’s no two ways about it - these are top tier. If you’d like to check them out on Zhiyun’s website, click here.

Small RGB video lights have really changed the game up. LED tech is getting so much more efficient, accurate, and affordable. By investing in the right light for your needs, you’ll not only make your life easier, you might even make your videos look better. Thanks for reading!